Wednesday, October 05, 2005


I know I know, I don't have the internet working at home so I'm sorry if you try to look for something to read some days and there is nothing here that is to your liking.....well I'm not going to write anything thought provoking today either....cause I'm short on time but thanks to those loyal readers who check my blog daily.....just so I don't leave you today without some useful information here it is....
...........still reading?....
I was teaching Sunday school the other day (I teach 1st graders) and I held in my hand a cell phone. We talked about how with God there is never a busy signal, missed calls, loss of signal, answering machines, voice mails, you never get put on hold when you are talking to Him and they will never hang up on you or mute you. Our daily conversations with God are important with out communication where would we be with one another....where would we be with God. I encourage you to pray. What do you pray for? Is there a certain way to pray? those are questions I asked my students....they replied "you can pray for your mommies," you can pray to get well," "you can pray for the sun," and the best one..."you can pray for everything." how do they think they have to pray...."before we eat..." "before bed....." "at church," and the best answer given was ....? "any time, any place" How cool is that! How awesome that when we need some one to talk to ...(besides talking to yourself) we can turn to him with our thoughts, questions, thanksgivings, request. Wow!

Have you talked to God today?

Have a great rest of the week….!

God Bless


Anonymous said...

Its a great story to share about prayer. I'm glad to see your blog back up and hope you can work out all the kinks in the system.
Hmm... I'm not sure about praying to God about everything. I think praying for selfish reasons are not things to pray for. For example, this summer I had qualified to win a Scion (Through 105.1 channel Q, by the way), and had I won it I would have hocked the car, used the money to pay off some school and other debts (and taxs on the thing) and I'd have quit my job to find something closer to Ames. I didn't fell that was a worthy endeavor to pray to God for, though my Dad said he'd say a prayer for me the night before the contest. But, the most I won was a Channel Q t-shirt and bumper sticker and a $20 gift certificate for gas. You may draw your own conclusions if you want. Take care.

Kris said...

thought i would add a little funny side note to my sunday school lesson....while i was using my cell phone as a prop...(had it on vibrate) and somebody called right as I set it the kids thought it was funny! thought I would share that too.