Sunday, June 19, 2005

Salty Thoughts

As I wonder around the kitchen (that I should be packing up into boxes), I search for something to eat. I have food in my apartment, but it is something that would take time to bake, cook, or grill. Don’t get me wrong I like to cook, but I have to be in the right mood and I have to want to spend the time to do so. In my hunt for food I found a bag of popcorn…microwave it is….. I can hear it, I can smell it…mmm. Have you ever wondered why microwave popcorn and theatre popcorn doesn’t taste the same…why is that. I use to make 3 to 4 large batches of popcorn a night working in a small town theatre…the ingredients are the same…? Is it the idea that makes it different? Have you ever thought about it (or is it just me?)
All this talk is a way that I distract myself from what I’m really thinking about. I was at my sister’s mother-in-laws house this afternoon to take a peek at all the baby clothes and toys she got at such a good deal on for my sister’s baby soon to be. While sitting there she asked if we had heard about the boy that died in our home town….. I froze in my seat. I’m from a small town, so you know almost everyone. She said she couldn’t remember the name, that it was in the paper, an 18 year-old boy died in a car crash. I then went in search of the paper to find out who it was. I came across the name. A boy so young. A boy that I use to tutor since he entered kindergarten…A boy that worked hard for everything he had and didn’t care that his family didn’t have much to begin with. He was never the sharpest crayon in the box when it came to school, but he always had good intentions. I watched him grow in his faith in Sunday school, in conformation…He made it to graduation, which he never thought he could do. I called my dad to wish him a happy Father’s Day and to tell him to make sure my mom knew when she returns from Florida (she is his Sunday school teacher) My dad asked me if I knew how he died. He went on to tell me the whole story, the part that wasn’t in the paper. He fell asleep at the wheel and crossed over the center line flying over the bridge. There he hung upside down for over 5 hours trapped in his truck. A lady stopped and then went to go get help 911 was called, but by the time they had gotten there the truck was in flames…they couldn’t get him out…they said he cried out several times….by this point in the story I had to pass of the phone to my sister because I couldn’t listen any more…I didn’t want to know that he suffered so much. Even writing this I have a hard time holding back my tears. He is so young, he had so much a head of him. Not once did I question God’s plan in all of this…I know that he had to leave this earth for a reason. I know that all people go through mourning in different ways, I chose to think of the positives about someone’s lives and think of how they effected those around them. Have you ever thought about someday when you are gone if you are leaving behind something positive, something that makes people think about the life you lead? How will you be remembered?
It is like the popcorn in the microwave... it is ok, but the popcorn that you remember is that from the theatre...something that has a special flavor. What is your after taste...your salty buttery goodness that you leave behide for people to flavor and remember?

God Bless,

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