Monday, April 18, 2005


What drives you? What motivates you to get things done? What makes you want to be a better person? Maybe you don't ask yourselves these questions....but these things are running through my head as the end of the semester is near....(scary scary) this past Sunday Pastor Mark talked about motivation or being lead. How do we lead in our lives? These are some questions I throughout at you so please take the time and let me know your thoughts! God Bless you and for all of you who are go going through study issues, loads of papers, group projects I pray for motivation and diligence.

Have a fabulous day!

"In the long run you hit what you aim at, so aim high "
~Henry David Thoreau

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act,
but also dream; not only plan, but also believe."
~Anatole France


Anonymous said...

I think the only thing that could motivate me is knowing the amazing magnitude of what Christ sacrificed for me. Also because of this I am his and have no right to not serve God. 1 Cor. 6:19. Hopefully I will remember this when I should be studying for the rest of the semester. I hope the last couple weeks of your semester goes well. It was good to see you again last weekend.

stephen said...

Here's what motivates me: LOVE. In the past year, I've really started to work on loving people more, and taking a servant-attitude towards the people I come in contact with. It's also a way for me to reflect God's love.