Saturday, May 26, 2007
Why vote??"Victory isn't without its rewards. On top of eternal trash-talking rights on Internet message boards of your choice, the winning school also will receive a commemorative plaque honoring their mascot as 2007's Most Dominant College Mascot on Earth. Good luck! "
Friday, May 18, 2007
I'm a survivor
Well I survived...the school year is done! My classroom is packed up except for my books, that may take me a little while. I spent the entire afternoon cleaning, packing...going out of my mind. I'm at home, flipping channels and going to set the goal to pack up my house in one day minus my laundry! I know that is a nonrealistic goal, but I have to keep going or I won't do anything at all. My goal is to be ready to move out by Wednesday, while leaving out stuff for the last month I live down south.
Goals before I move:
build model car
paint two pictures on canvas
go paint balling
go play laser tag
have a group of people play ultimate Frisbee
workout once a day for an hour a day (goal for the month of June)
Take some pictures of my experience and the landscape.
get everything to fit in one car, truck, and one trailer.
I hope I can get everything done, wish me luck!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
A buddle of Everything, something, many things
Sending out props today for dad on getting his blood pressure under control!
Congrats to Keely for graduating from ASU!
Happy Mothers Day…past a little bit
Happy Birthday Mom!
3 days of school left…I’m done teaching though.
I can’t believe I made it through my first year of teaching with little trouble. I feel really successful??? I had a sub. on Thursday and Friday and she said my class was great, well behaved, well organized, they knew what they were to do!!! That makes me feel great, I have trained them well, given them structure and they are then successful.
Also any idea because
I’m creating awards today, if you have any creative funny awards, let me know..soon!!! I have things like most likely to wear a monster mask, pink hair…most likely to sleep through a movie. Most likely to go for the wrong basket and sooooo on.
Being back home for a few days was a little nerve-racking…I have 30 girls trying out for cheerleading, more than one squad mind you, but still…that is a lot. I headed from SW IA to central Ia to visit my sister….then garage sales, book warehouse sale, lunch at Jimmy Johns with Shannon….to my sisters….then to watch Matt C. play soccer in DesMoines, then ice cream with OC and then back to my sisters, then to Victory Secret to purchase a really expensive bar that is beyond wonderful…(I got complemented on my chest…that is when you know it makes a difference ..cause if you know me, you know my chest is anything special ;-) ) Then back to my sisters…Seem busy enough yet, that was just one day! Not to mention only getting 3 hours of sleep the night before because Jon Jon has an ear infection (must have been that beer?) Sunday I headed up to Ames, went to church and said good bye and good luck to pastor O and his wife Anne as they leave Memorial after 21 years there to retire and spend time with their children and grandchildren. I held in tears all morning, until Anne gave me a griping hug when she saw me! They are great people and I pray that they continue on blessing all the lives of people they meet in the rest of their life long journey. Then I went to lunch with Jason and a few of his friends (Jimmy Johns) Then met with Patrick, whom I don’t think I have seen in 2 years…then I made the long drive back to MO so I could teach on Monday…the first hour was the longest…thank goodness for energy drinks. This was my first time having one (a virgin energy drink girl no more) My weekend was busy, what can I say.
I have field day tomorrow, clean up day and 5th grade field day Thursday and then finish up the week with Awards day getting out at 11am. The END
“Men if you loose 35lbs you will most likely gain 1 inch in your penis” I’m currently watching Opera and I thought this was kind of funny. Thought I would throw this out there. If any men wanted to know how to enlarge themselves.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Teacher Appreciation Day
Tomorrow is the big drive...I have a fun filled weekend in Iowa, beautiful weather to come! I need to check to make sure the roads I need to drive on aren't flooded.
Oh today felt like a Monday...yesterday didn't ....I almost gave every student a detention. I haven't had a single student go to the office for behavior this year...instead I had Mrs. Riley come to me.... somebody decided to write * is dumb on the floor of our room...nobody wanted to fess up....tomorrow is going to be a long morning!
I only have 6 days of school...half of that isn't even teaching ...then two weeks of no fifth graders then one month of summer school!
Monday, May 07, 2007
Another Day
This afternoon wasn't the greatest (not bad, but not that morning) inside recess didn't help any.
The weather isn't suppose to be very good this week, I'm hoping the storms stay away, or at least the strong, bad ones. Did you know I hate tornadoes...well if you didn't, I do...really do.
Today I dropped the bomb..I told my kids I won't be returning next year. They asked if it was because I was homesick, if I would come back and visit them, if i was leaving because I didn't like them, didn't like the fourth grade, I got asked if I was They didn't seem really upset...I had to hold back the tears...I don't know why? They are a great group of kids, but I just want to be closer to my family and friends. Tim, Josh, Sarah, and Bret...don't really count for close friends that are life long. They are great and all, but making friends at my age is differnt than when i was in college or even in elementary/high school.
Busy week is more work to be gone than it is to be at work, that may be why I haven't taken a sick day or personal day all year.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Your results:
You are Superman
| You are mild-mannered, good, strong and you love to help others. |
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test
Da Da Daaaa
Any ideas on lessons for dinosaurs this summer? Not a lesson I would think to do with 5th grade, but that is the theme for the summer.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
how many weeks?
Sitting waiting for our staff meeting to start this morning and somebody walks in and says "guess what? the bill got passed so we don't have to make up any days" We were all really happy about that! Then the sup had to chime in and say...nope wasn't true, she had a paper sent to her last night saying the bill had sat on the desk once again...waiting to get signed. She said it still may not if they still have what Missouri sups are not wanting to pass on for next year. I think one bill should stand alone, why tack on several different things when the only thing they have connected is school.
I personally just want to know if I have 2 weeks left after this or 3? hmmm
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Tuesday Tuesday (monday monday...has already passed)
Another week has started…it is going ok except for the rain…which is going to mess up the field trip…I hope I can reschedule. Talking Caverns on the west side of Branson. Don’t laugh, it could be fun. My grandmother W. took me to the Mammoth Caves in Kentucky when I was a sophomore…they weren’t that bad. I would love to go one time and crawl through them and not just on the tour path. My grandmother had gone the caves with her family when she was little, she wanted to take my cousins and I so we went from Iowa down to Kentucky…(back roads…got a little lost) and then up to Washington DC where we could lobby and come back. *it was a long trip.
I have talked to several people with finals this week at ISU and other schools…I wish you all the best. Don’t stress out just get them done!