Saturday, April 28, 2007

First Time Poker Player

I am currently in my bed contemplating if I should get up? Massive hangover---that I have, erg to clean my house---that I don't have. I had had a long week…..I didn’t want to go home a drink alone, but I needed a way to relax and let loose.

My co-workers and I ended up getting for the most part drunk off our asses and playing poker. It was my first time playing poker. We all just put in ten dollars into the pot and then had chips that were just worth coin values…so we played for quiet a few hours. I didn’t do the greatest…but I didn’t suck my first time around. The only thing I messed up on was that I always forgot to burn a card before laying down the flop as dealer just on the first one.

It was a nice way to end the horrible week. Looking at the weather next week, I’m sure it is going to be any better. It is suppose to rain on Friday and that is our field trip day. GRRRR

I ended up sleeping on the love seat at Josh’s, I loved the fact that he left the music on really loud in the living room so that I wouldn’t hear their little baby boy cry. That was nice of him. I end up getting a call from a different co-worker, I think I answered it, I remember saying hello and then nothing…hanging up….it was, what I thought, way after he had left Josh’s…?

I ended up driving home about 5 after I was sobered up….DON’T DRINK THEN DRIVE. Important…I normally can handle 2 in a long long period of time and be fine…any more than that, or drinking it to quickly…driving is a no go.

Yesterday at school they had a “pretend” fatality using students and having the emergency crew practice. I remember when they did it at our school I was lobbying in DC and missed the accident and only mad it back for the funeral portion that was held in the school activity center. I didn’t know what was going on I just saw 2 of my classmates pictures up on the screen as if it were really a funeral. It was really hard to watch, I was so confused. It is hard to watch all of it. I hope that it home for most of them, that it made things more real for them.
Do you think that it is ok to show students such a tragic thing?

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Can't Wait TGIF

I can’t wait until Friday!!! Not because I have any plans, but just because it is Friday.
Today was suppose to be a fabulous day…it started out like crap…boys picking on another boy because he picks his nose…then he flipped off kids (well pointed a finger in anger…says he didn’t use the middle) then had a student lie to me about it…boy K always tends to avoid telling me the truth. To top off my morning, I have been DIBELing and I take them in the hall were it is quiet to read passages and when the boy went back to his seat to work, he soon came up and said that while he was testing somebody wrote on his desk…( I didn’t see anybody get up???) On his desk was the word “loser” I had the whole class put their heads down and raise their hand if they did it….no body fessed up. I decided to write up all the things that were to go on that day including a presenter coming to our class, silly string war, 30minutes extra recess….I told them that everything was gone except lunch because I can’t take that from them, but I can make lunch so that it wasn’t fun for them. We put our heads down, they were asked to raise their hands again…yet nothing. I had them share their feelings with each other. peer pressure is a bitch…. isn’t it? Then I had them write down what they were feeling and in the corner write down yes and no and circle one. Finally somebody circled yes. I read aloud all of their feelings so nobody would know who wrote what….I wanted them to know that they really up set their class. The person who circled yes was the one who had told me that somebody had written on his desk…GRRRR I was pissed to say the least. He did it because he thought I would get after the person who was angry with him…he didn’t realize that it would be a big deal…GRRRRR
We got back on track after that. Our presenter was to do “TAR WARS” it was sooo boring. Then we had a silly string war, it was a little chilly and wet, but still fun. Extra recess was inside and the coach would only get out 2 balls for my class to play with. All of a sudden they are locking up the equipment and everything…they haven’t worried about it all year and now it is a big deal?
To top it all off I heard a rumor that the governor of MO hasn’t signed the bill to excuse the 5 ice storm days….it got passed in the house and senate and it has just been setting there. I hope it is just a rumor.

That is my day…do you see why I’m ready for a Friday

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Dirty Little Word

How many mirrors do you have to break before the "bad luck" cancels out? I seem to break at least one mirror a year. If I really believed in superstitions then maybe I would really care....honestly I don't believe in it. But man 7 years of bad luck are just piling up ...maybe that is why I'm still single. HEHEHE

How is all the rain, coming down like cats and dogs?

I keep telling my students that I can't go out into the rain because I will melt. I'm like so students don't seem to believe me??? I don't know why not?

Tomorrow I hope the rain can hold off, my students have been working on filling up thier behavior man since January and they get to have a silly string war tomorrow and extra recess......I really hope it is nice out... we only have 3 weeks left so we are going to fill up a "mini man" next!


I have a little porn story to share with ya.
We are currently working on adding positive and negative numbers and writing +++=+ is too confusing. I had written on the board p +p = p and n+n=n and p+n= p or n
I guess I had written them too close together and one of my students noticed that I was writing a word that was not students laughed...I thought it was a little funny too....oops! lol He thought they were laughing at him or something and cried the rest of math .....that is my porn story for you. 5th grade students know what that word means...I didn't even catch it until a couple of double takes. I know where my students' minds are.

3 more weeks of school!!! 2 weeks off from teaching then summer school!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The weather has returned to beautiful sunshine….

The weather has returned to beautiful sunshine….

I pound the sidewalk for about an hour a night, I watch kids out in the road…riding their bikes, not watching where they are going or what is coming. I normally walk at quick pace, or pick up a jog when the song is just right…..thinking about my day, about my future…about what is next for me in life, what I’m missing. I’m ready to come home, but at the same time I’m not sure how excited I’ll be at the end of the school year. It is coming up quick…my first year is almost over. I’m still going strong…..classroom is in an organized mess (yes, I said organized mess…I’m not the only one at school) I’m still trying to be patient, understanding, fair, and excited about the students learning. I wish I could say I felt the same way in my life outside of school. I’m not patient…dam it I want to go out on a date with a man. (a young, good looking man, with a good personality) understanding….not so much…I don’t understand how me walking on the sidewalk would create people driving by me 2 or 3 times…and oh the honking…adds to my music. Fair…not so much….having cramps in the middle of the week sucks…excited…I’m not that either…what is there to get excited about? No where to go no one to see…nothing to do….no body will play ultimate with me… L

I sound like such a downer right now…well watching the news will do you that these days. Wow is all I have to say….there are so many WOW factors to the massacre that happened at Virgina Tech…sending videos and what not…how can a person think like that, take action at that. I know that we all carry a lot of baggage around with us everyday….but I pray that with all the news coverage…that this doesn’t spill on to campus across the country… People need to learn how to “mind their own life” quote taken from my fifth quote door. “mind your own life” and deal with it on your own life with out involving others…how is killing other people who don’t even know your pissed off going to help anyone? Brain Tracy wrote, “ Decide exactly what you ant in life, write it down in detail, and decide that you will pay the price to achieve it.” Does that mean another person’s life, someone else’s husband, child, or sister?

My prayers go out to all those who are in mourning.

Monday, April 16, 2007


Well coming home tonight and turning on my TV the news was a little shocking…massacre is what I heard, school violence, university, and 33 dead. I thought to myself how scary it would be to be on that campus, how overwhelming it would be to finish out the semester of school. It makes you think where has the school security gone. Columbine was in ’99 and all the schools really up’ed the security. I feel that schools have slacked off most resent of days.

I guess at ISU I felt safe…I felt safe in class and even walking across campus. I use to walk late at night at least once or twice a week…I may have been a little nervous, but not worried that someone would come out and shoot me.

ISU has had its own riot, Lake Lavern men, hit and runs, and the “ El Nino” flashing man. Still I don’t know if I could even fathom what happened in Virginia. Being a peer minister on campus in the dorms….it isn’t hard to get into somewhere where you don’t live…I did it quite often. I know that they have been working on it….but if people open a door and let you in then how is that keeping others safe?

I wish I could say that I felt my school was ready for something to happen…I have dreams sometimes that something is going to happy and the reaction I take… (I’m weird) I guess I like to know that every precaution has been made…and I don’t know that at my school it has…we don’t have codes, we don’t always have locked doors… I don’t know if any thing will ever happen…it is a small school, you normally hear when people are pissed off. We have had 2 lock downs this year, and I don’t feel like they were done properly.

My prayers really go out to all the family and friends of those lost in the tragic event.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

"Calendar Girl"

MAP is done. It is back to teaching to blank faces, rolling eyes, and chatty mouths. As of right now I’m working on getting cheerleading tryouts underway for Missouri, redoing a handbook that is 7 years old for the Corning’s squad.

I am trying to work out my schedule until I move back in July…and then after at least until August…I’m such a planner….but come to the classroom….I’m the biggest BS planner there is…..go with the flow, turn on a dime, switcher woo.

I can’t wait to find out if we don’t have to make up days for the ice storm!!! It has been passed in both houses but is on hold to get signed in. That means I would have 2 week break before starting summer school. Getting out on May 17th would be fabulous. (an extra week isn’t bad…but still)