Man do I enjoy my walk across campus first thing in the morning. With it being spring it is a spectacular sight, just breath in the fresh air and take one relaxing step after another and look at the beautiful buds on the trees and the yellow tulips that are out ready to soak up the sun. I love this time alone in the morning…I get off work and I head to class, it is my reflection time. As I walk I look at people….I know it isn’t polite to stare…(so I don’t) Most people I pass have this glazed over look their faces and a slow moving glide in their feet….if I didn’t know any better I would say that there had been a mass murder right before finals….and all the zombies are out roaming the campus. Oh as the semester comes to and end will those look dissipate.
Have you ever been walking a just tripped? Oh was there a hole or something I didn’t see…a crack in the sidewalk you say……..nope just my feet with the inability to walk. Laugh it up….do a little chuckle or giggle inside……I know you have all had those days…where you trip up and try to catch yourself….or just hit the pavement. Have you tripped over something that you didn’t see or something that wasn’t even there….with lots of people around you…(I know you have J…don’t deny it) Well if you didn’t guess… not only was the great scenery apart of my morning, but walking…not falling…but walking and almost losing my shoe while surrounded by people…I just smiled..and stated it was way too early in the morning…lol, I’m sure you are wondering where my semi-embarrassing story is leading towards…well it reminded me of a song from DCTalk song comes to mind…what if I stumble, what if I fall, what if I loose my step and I make fools of us all….would our walk continue, or will a walk become a crawl…what if I stumble, what if I fall.
How many times in our lives do we fall away (trip up) I lay awake at night sometimes thinking about how many times I find myself falling down…just a little stumble at a time…do you ever feel that way?
James 3:2 “We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check.”—I am surely not this perfect creation…and far from it am I. Christ the Lord was a perfect man and is someone to look to for forgiveness, it is who we crawl to.
John 11:9 Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve hours of daylight? A man who walks by day will not stumble, for he sees by this world's light.” The Lord should be our guide, our light in our life, so no matter how many times you may make that embarrassing fall…the Lord is there to lead a help us up.
Keep walking that path of rightousness.
Ps. sorry for errors...and if you have read past blogs this week or last..i'm not even sure how you made sense of them...i read back through them half of them are all mixed up or a few sentence here and there didn't make sense....all i can say is sorry bad typing comes from typing too many papers...and being really scattered brained.